Welcome to "The Real Trader" charity challenge. In this challenge to a maximum of £2000, I will be offering £150 each up to charity for those consistent winners that provide either a video of their 3 month Betfair P&L, or their 3 month P&L plus their lifetime P&L via the premium portal. Any money raised will be split 50:50 between Darren Hall’s latest charity run, and the Children in Need fundraiser planned for November.
This challenge is open to the following people.
1. Those of my acquaintance whom I believe to be making consistent money on Betfair. { These people will receive an invite by email. }
2. Those of my acquaintance claiming to be making money on Betfair in conjunction with selling products or services. { These people will receive an invite by email. }
3. Any poster on this forum with 25 or more posts making consistent profits on Betfair.
4. Mr cynic himself, Ghetto Joe. { Can somebody please let him know for me. }
I know that many of the real pros may wish to keep their identity / real name / account details etc out of the public domain, so people may enter the competition by doing either of the following….
A. Post the video directly on this thread.
B. Those not providing a commercial product may eMail me the video { PM me for the email address if u don't have it already}, and after proofing I will post the figures up either to their user name or anonymously as per their request.
In addition, any commercial providers claiming to be professional traders & backing this up via method A. above will also be granted the following future privileges on GeeksToy.com
A. They may submit a link to their website with their entry.
B. They will be allowed a link to their website in their forum signature in future.
C. Those that aren’t a trading software provider will also have their site promoted in a new “Recommended Sites” page that I will be introducing to the website at some future date.
Closing date for entries is 23:59 UK time on Wednesday 28th September. { Please note that I am away from tomorrow until Sunday on business, so wont be reviewing any eMailed vids until then. }
I hope you all join me in raisng some good money for charity & proving that this industry isn't full of Blaggers & that there really are genuine pros out there worthy of the title and of our respect.
PS Just in case there are no takers
, I'm going to start the ball rolling with £50 for a vid that Sam Wilson did recently.
EDIT : I have put the first 13 qualifying vids below.
This challenge is open to the following people.
1. Those of my acquaintance whom I believe to be making consistent money on Betfair. { These people will receive an invite by email. }
2. Those of my acquaintance claiming to be making money on Betfair in conjunction with selling products or services. { These people will receive an invite by email. }
3. Any poster on this forum with 25 or more posts making consistent profits on Betfair.
4. Mr cynic himself, Ghetto Joe. { Can somebody please let him know for me. }
I know that many of the real pros may wish to keep their identity / real name / account details etc out of the public domain, so people may enter the competition by doing either of the following….
A. Post the video directly on this thread.
B. Those not providing a commercial product may eMail me the video { PM me for the email address if u don't have it already}, and after proofing I will post the figures up either to their user name or anonymously as per their request.
In addition, any commercial providers claiming to be professional traders & backing this up via method A. above will also be granted the following future privileges on GeeksToy.com
A. They may submit a link to their website with their entry.
B. They will be allowed a link to their website in their forum signature in future.
C. Those that aren’t a trading software provider will also have their site promoted in a new “Recommended Sites” page that I will be introducing to the website at some future date.
Closing date for entries is 23:59 UK time on Wednesday 28th September. { Please note that I am away from tomorrow until Sunday on business, so wont be reviewing any eMailed vids until then. }
I hope you all join me in raisng some good money for charity & proving that this industry isn't full of Blaggers & that there really are genuine pros out there worthy of the title and of our respect.
PS Just in case there are no takers

EDIT : I have put the first 13 qualifying vids below.