It's been a while since I posted on here (Been way too busy!) but tonight's game should hopefully be a cracker.
This has been the Grand Final for the past three years and the liquidity appears good with almost £50,000 matched already.
I'm a Saints fan at heart and always struggle calling their games due to personal feelings - but I really can't see anything other than a comprehensive Leeds win.
Let's look at the Saints' squad.
Wellens, Gardner, Meli, Pryce, Eastmond, Fozzard, Cunningham, Graham, Puletua, Flannery, Roby, Hargreaves, Moore, Clough, Ashurst, Wheeler, Dixon, Fa'asavalu, Foster.
What leaps off the page is the loss of Wilkin - Saints' most intelligent player. That's a massive loss in a game like this. Matt Gidley is also a huge loss. Leon Pryce is also a huge doubt and Saints haven't managed to use their 3 hookers well this year. Francis Meli is also a big doubt - but he gifted Leeds the GF last year so I'm not too concerned!
Add in a very dour and uncreative coach in Mick Potter and I'm not convinced by Saints.
Possible line up:
Wellens (First Game back), Gardner, Wheeler, Flannery, Foster, Moore, Eastmond, Graham, Cunningham, Hargreaves, Pulutea, Clough, Ashurst. Bench: Roby, Dixon, Fa'asavalu, Fozzard.
Meanwhile Leeds have really hit their form recently and are starting to look like the championship outfit they have been for the past few years.
Possible line up:
Webb, Smith, Delaney, Senior, Hall, McGuire, Burrow, Leuluai, Buderus, Peacock, Jones-Buchanan, Abletti, Sinfield. Bench: Diskin, Bailey, Kirke, Lauititi.
Always best to wait for the official teams - but that looks like a huge mismatch.
Odd point: Last night's game was 1.5 favourites and 28 Draw at KO! This is a 2.0 favourites and Draw at 30!
The draw price has been insane all year - always too low - but 30 looks high (Although low compared to last year.) Probably a byproduct of the ridiculously poor liquidity this year - Often I've had prices up on all 6 possible options! But hopefully that will improve. (Tho I doubt it, sadly.)
This has been the Grand Final for the past three years and the liquidity appears good with almost £50,000 matched already.
I'm a Saints fan at heart and always struggle calling their games due to personal feelings - but I really can't see anything other than a comprehensive Leeds win.
Let's look at the Saints' squad.
Wellens, Gardner, Meli, Pryce, Eastmond, Fozzard, Cunningham, Graham, Puletua, Flannery, Roby, Hargreaves, Moore, Clough, Ashurst, Wheeler, Dixon, Fa'asavalu, Foster.
What leaps off the page is the loss of Wilkin - Saints' most intelligent player. That's a massive loss in a game like this. Matt Gidley is also a huge loss. Leon Pryce is also a huge doubt and Saints haven't managed to use their 3 hookers well this year. Francis Meli is also a big doubt - but he gifted Leeds the GF last year so I'm not too concerned!
Add in a very dour and uncreative coach in Mick Potter and I'm not convinced by Saints.
Possible line up:
Wellens (First Game back), Gardner, Wheeler, Flannery, Foster, Moore, Eastmond, Graham, Cunningham, Hargreaves, Pulutea, Clough, Ashurst. Bench: Roby, Dixon, Fa'asavalu, Fozzard.
Meanwhile Leeds have really hit their form recently and are starting to look like the championship outfit they have been for the past few years.
Possible line up:
Webb, Smith, Delaney, Senior, Hall, McGuire, Burrow, Leuluai, Buderus, Peacock, Jones-Buchanan, Abletti, Sinfield. Bench: Diskin, Bailey, Kirke, Lauititi.
Always best to wait for the official teams - but that looks like a huge mismatch.
Odd point: Last night's game was 1.5 favourites and 28 Draw at KO! This is a 2.0 favourites and Draw at 30!
The draw price has been insane all year - always too low - but 30 looks high (Although low compared to last year.) Probably a byproduct of the ridiculously poor liquidity this year - Often I've had prices up on all 6 possible options! But hopefully that will improve. (Tho I doubt it, sadly.)