For fcuk sakes either fight or retire both of yers. Beyond a joke. Your both not as special as some think you are (roach & arum) especially if you know the catalogue of skilled boxers who proceeded you. Get it on or go be more productive down at your local ballerina class and let others do the punching.
On a side note and a bit late sad news about Joe Frazier. I remember des lynam saying when tyson beat bruno that tyson was a level above. I'm not so sure. Joe Frazier heart was treble the size of the twitch and I know whose punch landed the greater blow. Joe Frazier the warrior. Need more like him.
On a side note and a bit late sad news about Joe Frazier. I remember des lynam saying when tyson beat bruno that tyson was a level above. I'm not so sure. Joe Frazier heart was treble the size of the twitch and I know whose punch landed the greater blow. Joe Frazier the warrior. Need more like him.