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  • Greyhounds

    38k just traded on Fav at Hove.... looks like someone got themselves in a right mess and couldnt get their 3k out just before the start, madness....... money was stuck in on the back side too lol

    And it lost
    Last edited by Caan Berry; 30 December 2010, 09:43 PM. Reason: Result
    Edges are ten-a-penny, execution is everything

    Read My FULL-TIME Racing Traders Blog Here!!
    T F YouTube

  • #2
    Yea, me too got caught this evening and lost 20 dollars. Luckily not much! Was too sleepy, opened two dog races and just forgot about time. It was after midnight in Moscow, should have gone to bed instead of trading :Naughty


    • #3
      Better luck next time....

      btw....most of my trades these days are done after midnight { NFL, NCAA, NBA and tennis starting in NZ&AU very soon}

      Originally posted by KOTBIIAJIbTO View Post
      Yea, me too got caught this evening and lost 20 dollars. Luckily not much! Was too sleepy, opened two dog races and just forgot about time. It was after midnight in Moscow, should have gone to bed instead of trading :Naughty


      • #4
        Yeah, a rare drop of entertainment, rarely seen on even Sky TV dogs....

        Better wish the poor bastard a 'prosperous new year


        • #5
          Dogs are live right now for those interested. It's usually good for scalping.


          • #6
            Sky Player

            Be very, very careful if watching on SKY player, at least 10/15 seconds behind.

            He could have been watching his PC and thought they were still going in, I nearly got caught and was lucky to get out in what I thought was plenty of time for the first race.


            • #7
              dogs on tv tonight ?? lots money at romford
              Edges are ten-a-penny, execution is everything

              Read My FULL-TIME Racing Traders Blog Here!!
              T F YouTube


              • #8
                Yes. And I finally found a place to see when the live dogs fixtures are scheduled:


                • #9
                  wimbledons ok for scalping.. on tv if anyone didnt know
                  Edges are ten-a-penny, execution is everything

                  Read My FULL-TIME Racing Traders Blog Here!!
                  T F YouTube


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by chuck536 View Post
                    wimbledons ok for scalping.. on tv if anyone didnt know
                    yes and impresive money there , i didnt know greyhound can reach 100k


                    • #11
                      i think alot of that was a manipulator getting caught mate.... that or 32k went on the fav dog there
                      Edges are ten-a-penny, execution is everything

                      Read My FULL-TIME Racing Traders Blog Here!!
                      T F YouTube


                      • #12
                        A Night At The Dogs

                        Hi All,

                        I've just had a great fun night trading the dogs using The Toy.

                        Normally I don't get the chance to use The Toy much, as I can't bear to waste the software subscription I've got (Yorkshiremen you know, Scots with all the generosity squeezed out of 'em), but tonight I made the effort to give it a few hours attention. I like evening dogs anyway, little money about so no big hitters "acting the goat", makes life easy for small fry like me.

                        I fiddled about with The Toy customising, re-customising and just getting the feel of it. It really is a sensational bit of kit. In the end I settled for The Geeks settings, clean and not confusing. Of course I made a couple of ricks, but they were easy to escape from with minimal damage. I've decided to use The Toy for all my dogs trading from now ready for a permanaent changeover some time this year.

                        I reckon I'll give the morning dogs a shot tomorrow morning, in fact I might stick with them all day just to see how it goes, beginners might want to join me, I find the markets much easier to evaluate than the horses,

                        keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep trading, MC


                        • #13
                          Hi MC,

                          find it really tedious/boring if stay on dogs all day, ie about 70

                          bags races, need horses/soccer to stay sane.

                          Good Luck


                          • #14
                            You were right Ted. Lots more money about and with it came the manipulators and the inevitable losses,

                            cheers, MC


                            • #15
                              Just a little bump. Dogs are live right now.

