Welcome to the Testimonials category.
I have seen many a site show testimonials in the past, and at the end of the day, you can never be 100% certain whether they came from real people, or they are simply a deception ploy made up by the site owner to get you to buy their product.
A combination of this & my inbox filling up with complimentary comments gave me they idea for this category.
So, seeing as we have a bugs category for telling us when we are doing things wrong, and a suggestions category for helping us to do things better, then the testimonials category is for when we are doing things right. So, here are real testimonials, from real people in the community that you talk to on a daily basis. You can't be anymore transparent than that.
I have seen many a site show testimonials in the past, and at the end of the day, you can never be 100% certain whether they came from real people, or they are simply a deception ploy made up by the site owner to get you to buy their product.
A combination of this & my inbox filling up with complimentary comments gave me they idea for this category.
So, seeing as we have a bugs category for telling us when we are doing things wrong, and a suggestions category for helping us to do things better, then the testimonials category is for when we are doing things right. So, here are real testimonials, from real people in the community that you talk to on a daily basis. You can't be anymore transparent than that.