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Dangerous error geekstoy - inexplicable loss attempting to get profit in hedge

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  • Dangerous error geekstoy - inexplicable loss attempting to get profit in hedge

    The geekstoy has an error in it generates LOSS (MONEY LOSS) for the user when trying to cashout (hedge) when there is no match in any ladder (example: the odds have risen sharply and passed 1000, etc.).

    I tried to be discreet and polite trying to report the error and loss of money directly to private email moderator THE GEEKS on 22nd February 2016 04:05 (pm) and there was no response, that is, I'm a software client and I was iGNORED, for more than 30 days have passed and chose not to answer me, actually do not know if they read custormers email.

    Today, again, the error occurred, and i no longer take any more sitting waiting for some response, some contact, is there some kind of ritual in order to have contact with you?

    I own the printscreens about the error, and you MUST be positioned on this (including the ladder that is very undervalued appears almost £2000 value), since the business risk is entirely on you, and you make money selling software.

    No doubt the geekstoy is a valuable tool for traders and punters, but with this error, causing the user to lose money instead of making your profits in hedge, it is extremely absurd.

    Wainting for an answer,

    Joćo Paulo Fróes

  • #2
    Did you contact support regarding this? I just checked our email history for that day, and there is nothing reporting this.

    Send an email to support with details on how to replicate, and we can investigate.


    • #3
      Click image for larger version

Name:	email.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	5.6 KB
ID:	206458

      This is a great geekstoy bug, i guarantee. Can you forward this email to the support team? Or, so...please pass me the email ...

      * I tested the problema again cashout (hedge) that there was no longer match but i tried to do the cashout through the betfair site...and it gone successfully... I think this bug happen by wrong values in cashout (hedge)on the geekstoy software when there is no match ... I say this because this hedge was successful through directly on betfair site, but with different values that appear in geekstoy software, and so, this happens this error generating injury to users.

      If it is indeed found the bug, i could at least be remembered ... and so i had loss.


      • #4
        Error Example:

        In a market with odds rising, let's assume that i see opportunity to enter into a LAY odd, for example, @ 7.00. And it keeps rising after my entry.

        And, so, for this example, missing five minutes to end the match (in a football match), the odds have changed from @ 1000 ... and i have not closed my position ... but I see a chance of danger in my position missing five minutes to finish ... and then of course, i resolve to close hedge my position to not run risks..and so, rescue the profit before ending the game by threat to my position.

        What happens?

        At this time, instead of an error message appears like "cashout error" by not having odds of matching to close at hedge, <the GK software has a bug when you try to close hedge without odds of matching and at the moment => the software generates the ladders inexplicable loss of money, rather than the profit you are trying to rescue. The most that should happen is the 'cashout error' as we reported.

        - After more than 3 losses due to this error, this time, going the same thing to test, i closed my position (hedge) through the own website betfair and => cashout worked! One thing I realized is the difference in values for this kind of cashout than the GT software informs and what the website tells betfair time to close this cashout.


        • #5
          Use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the forum pages. If you didn't use that before, that would explain why no one has responded to you.

          I do not fully understand your description. Please use the "Contact Us" form, and.....

          Can you include information such as what size was your initial lay bet? Was it below the betfair minimum amount?

          Can you explain how "the software generates the ladders inexplicable loss of money"? Was there no bets placed? Or a bet placed for amounts you were not expecting? What hedge bet(s) you were expecting?

          Are you showing virtual bets in your settings?

          How did you "resolve to close hedge my position" exactly?


          • #6
            Is this what you are describing?

