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hope im not being daft

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  • hope im not being daft

    i have just uploaded 1.1k and i have my price display on the ladder set for standard, im sure it only used to show me the first three avaiable prices which the manual i downloaded also confirms but im looking at the first uk race this afternoon and i can see 9 prices including some gaps on one of the runners on the lay side and a fair few on the back, have checked other races and it's the same thing, is this correct????

  • #2
    Could you please post a screenshot of your issue? The ladder usually shows all the back and lay prices which can be fitted in the screen.


    • #3
      By default the application shows full market depth. There is however a setting here to change it to 3 prices only if that floats your boat.

      Ladder Menu -> Options { Visual } -> Price Display -> Standard

      What's new in version 1.2


      • #4
        not me then

        as i said i have my price display set to standard and it used to work but now does not seem to, screenshot will show it but i can't seem to reduce the size of the file to send


        • #5
          hopefully screen shot attached

          i hope, the colour is shot only way i could get the file to fit
          Attached Files


          • #6
            I've moved this to bugs until I get a chance to investigate.

            What's new in version 1.2


            • #7
              I've had this problem as well, since a few releases ago.
              If you want more luck... Take more chances!


              • #8
                old version

                Originally posted by Cran View Post
                I've had this problem as well, since a few releases ago.
                yes could be from a little way back as i did not load all the recent downloads before the latestone


                • #9
                  i think it was me being daft

                  sorry mr geek sir, but it was me. i think,

                  it seems that if you have the traded and available dop down box open in the maket navigator section you get the full market if you close it it goes back to showing just the three when set to standard

                  sorry to have wasted your time


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by spinebender View Post
                    sorry mr geek sir, but it was me. i think,

                    it seems that if you have the traded and available dop down box open in the maket navigator section you get the full market if you close it it goes back to showing just the three when set to standard

                    sorry to have wasted your time
                    No worries. { I should have remembered that, I coded it. }

                    What's new in version 1.2

