Now, in order to change the refresh rate on the betfair charts we need to tweak TGT manually as the refresh rates of that graph are hard coded not like the all other TGT options that can be adjusted however you want them.
Be aware this is a risk and not supported by TGT, as told before. I would also suggest backing up all settings before proceeding.
So to go around the hard coded options you need to go to you settings folder. If you don't know where they are, open TGT, right click on the header and click on "Open Settings Folder".
Usually you can find it at "C:\ProgramData\AGeeksToy\AGeeksToy\Settings - Betfair\"
This is the folder you should backup. Make sure TGT is closed at this point.
In there you will find a file named "ApplicationOptions.xml", you need to edit this file, use notepad or another plain text editor (I use notepadd++).
Search inside the file for the string "GraphAutoRefresh" and you'll see something like this:
Just change the value to your desired refresh rate (in seconds). I tested it with 1s and it worked fine but keep in mind that in your case you are updating 4 charts and it may add bandwidth/cpu extra load to your system.
Restart you TGT and boom...
Be aware this is a risk and not supported by TGT, as told before. I would also suggest backing up all settings before proceeding.
So to go around the hard coded options you need to go to you settings folder. If you don't know where they are, open TGT, right click on the header and click on "Open Settings Folder".
Usually you can find it at "C:\ProgramData\AGeeksToy\AGeeksToy\Settings - Betfair\"
This is the folder you should backup. Make sure TGT is closed at this point.
In there you will find a file named "ApplicationOptions.xml", you need to edit this file, use notepad or another plain text editor (I use notepadd++).
Search inside the file for the string "GraphAutoRefresh" and you'll see something like this:
Just change the value to your desired refresh rate (in seconds). I tested it with 1s and it worked fine but keep in mind that in your case you are updating 4 charts and it may add bandwidth/cpu extra load to your system.
Restart you TGT and boom...
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