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IN play 3 2 1 countdown for horse racing REPOST .. PLEASE HELP

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  • IN play 3 2 1 countdown for horse racing REPOST .. PLEASE HELP

    A bit disappointed that GT staff have not replied, my other question has also not be answered.

    Re IN running for Horse Racing

    Please can someone explain why this countdown shows on occasions ONLY... Usually it places bets in-running no problem but sometimes I place an in-running bet and then it counts down 3-2-1 then places the bet, which is a lot slower than normal. What is this and why is it doing it , my internet connection if very fast 350 Mb. what should I do to stop it, I have searched everywhere for an answer. PLEASE Help.

    Works fine on ***** and BA but really want to stick with GT.


  • #2
    If you place bets less than minimum 2 euro stake or when you hedge and the hedge stake it's less than 2 euro you will have the delay because your bet + extra 2 euro bet will be placed at 1000 odds, extra 2 euro bet will be canceled and your bet will be placed at your desired odds.

    If you don't want the delay use at least 2 euro stakes. Others software have the same delay for bets under minimum stake, no software does this faster.

    For in play trading GT it's very fast, especially when streaming it's activated


    • #3
      HI Bog, thanks for getting back I really appreciate it.

      My stakes range between £10 and £25, so I am at a loss as to why its so slow. I know GT is probably is the fastest software out there hence I want to use it. My PC is very fast ( only 10mths old) with no virus on and kept clean etc.

      Yesterday the first bet I placed was fine, but after that it would count down from 2 -1 -0 or 1- 0 then it would place the bet, £10 in this instance. Needless to say I missed the move, all this is in-running on the horse market I have tried both streaming and the normal speed, still the same.

      The speed is fine on the competitions software but want to use GT. Have you or anyone any suggestions of what I can do.

      Thanks in advance David


      • #4
        Originally posted by david8036 View Post

        Yesterday the first bet I placed was fine, but after that it would count down from 2 -1 -0 or 1- 0 then it would place the bet, £10 in this instance. Needless to say I missed the move, all this is in-running on the horse market I have tried both streaming and the normal speed, still the same.
        I have also count down 1-0 seconds for in running, it's the default delay from betfair for in running bets on horse races. All users have this. You can't place bets in running fast like pre-race bets, you have a delay. There is no way others software place bets in running faster, it's impossible.

        The only time when I have 3-2-1 count down in play it's when I hedge and the hedge stake it's less than 2 euro.


        • #5
          IN play 3 2 1 countdown for horse racing REPOST .. PLEASE HELP

          Well, I have tried everything I can think off. I place in running bets of between £10 and £20, but the 2-1-0 bet shows- countdown every time I place a bet in-running is making it almost impossible to trade the markets. I know there is a delay ( trading for years), all the geeks competitors work fine in- running. MY internet is virgin and is super fast as is my PC, I am at a loss why GT is so slow compared to the others.

          I have tried streaming and no streaming, changed all kinds of setting but the still the same.

          Any last ideas anyone before I say goodbye for good.

          Thanks is advance


          • #6
            Hi David.

            You should not be disapointed at TGT staff as you posted this on a community help forum and not a support one and this is not a GT issue, it is a Betfair imposition.

            The inplay delay is a Betfair feature and it varies from sport to sport. Also there may be an extra delay when using the hedge option if it generates a small bet (in order to place a small bet two bets are required).

            Caan does a great job explaining inplay delay here.

            Kind regards and good trades.


            • #7
              Originally posted by david8036 View Post
              Well, I have tried everything I can think off. I place in running bets of between £10 and £20, but the 2-1-0 bet shows- countdown every time I place a bet in-running is making it almost impossible to trade the markets. I know there is a delay ( trading for years), all the geeks competitors work fine in- running. MY internet is virgin and is super fast as is my PC, I am at a loss why GT is so slow compared to the others.

              I have tried streaming and no streaming, changed all kinds of setting but the still the same.

              Any last ideas anyone before I say goodbye for good.

              Thanks is advance
              If you want, record a race in running, place a bet and post the video here. 2-1-0 it's just one second more from what you should have for bets with at least 2 euro stake.

              I have 1-0 countdown in running (2 seconds delay). Betfair default delay for in running on horses it's 2 seconds. Others softwares have the same delay...

              3-2-1 only when I hedge with stake lower than 2 euro.


              • #8

                Thanks everyone for replying, I deleted GT from my PC, used software to clean the registry etc, re- installed, setup everything with what I had picked up from the net and this forum and its been running like a F1 since.. Really pleased its working. thanks again for the replies.

                very much appreciated.

