I pleased to announce that GeeksToy.com will be holding a week long charity fundraiser for Comic Relief from 00:01 on Tuesday 15th March until Midnight on Monday 21st March. { GMT } We have a fun week ahead with some cool prizes to be both auctioned and won, and any donations made to me during this time will be passed on to the charity.
As stated here anyone wishing to use The Toy in this time period must have made a minnimum £5 donation once prior to today to be able to do so. I will however be setting the minnimum donation level to £10 during the charity week just so those tightwads who haven't contributed to date can feel twice the pain.
I hope you all join us in raising some decent money for a very worthy cause.
Let the fun begin!
As stated here anyone wishing to use The Toy in this time period must have made a minnimum £5 donation once prior to today to be able to do so. I will however be setting the minnimum donation level to £10 during the charity week just so those tightwads who haven't contributed to date can feel twice the pain.
I hope you all join us in raising some decent money for a very worthy cause.
Let the fun begin!