Charity Plugathon - Help raise £1000 for Children in Need.
Want to help raise money for Children in Need? Read on.
As you maybe aware, when you have a product this good at this price you don't need to advertise. It's purely the grapevine that has helped turn The Toy into the most popular trading product on Betfair today, and we couldn't have achieved that without the army of happy toy users that continually recommend the product.
In 2009 I made a pledge to donate a % of any surplus donations to a children's charity. Well now, I'm going give the Betfair community a chance to help raise some more for charity.
So welcome to the Geekstoy Children in Need Plugathon!
For every blogger or site owner that participates in the Plugathon I will donate £25 to Children in Need from that pot. To qualify, you simply need to plug the following between now & 8pm Sunday…
1. Geeks Toy Children in Need appeal & plugathon.
2. The release of Version 1.2 Beta with Stop Loss, Dutching, Bookmaking, Multibet tool & the new In-Play interface due to be released on Monday.
3. Let people know that the Geeks Toy for Betdaq is coming soon.
4. A closing link to The Toy saying “Probably the best Betfair Trading Software in the world!”
Any blogger / site owner who participates in the plugathon should post a link up on this thread to the article as both recognition of their participation, and to enable me to ascertain the final contribution to Children in Need.
Have Fun
Want to help raise money for Children in Need? Read on.
As you maybe aware, when you have a product this good at this price you don't need to advertise. It's purely the grapevine that has helped turn The Toy into the most popular trading product on Betfair today, and we couldn't have achieved that without the army of happy toy users that continually recommend the product.
In 2009 I made a pledge to donate a % of any surplus donations to a children's charity. Well now, I'm going give the Betfair community a chance to help raise some more for charity.
So welcome to the Geekstoy Children in Need Plugathon!
For every blogger or site owner that participates in the Plugathon I will donate £25 to Children in Need from that pot. To qualify, you simply need to plug the following between now & 8pm Sunday…
1. Geeks Toy Children in Need appeal & plugathon.
2. The release of Version 1.2 Beta with Stop Loss, Dutching, Bookmaking, Multibet tool & the new In-Play interface due to be released on Monday.
3. Let people know that the Geeks Toy for Betdaq is coming soon.
4. A closing link to The Toy saying “Probably the best Betfair Trading Software in the world!”
Any blogger / site owner who participates in the plugathon should post a link up on this thread to the article as both recognition of their participation, and to enable me to ascertain the final contribution to Children in Need.
Have Fun