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Another Betfair cockup

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  • Another Betfair cockup

    So I logged in today and found that an old loss limit has been re-applied to my account

    Apparently, it's a system error that has affected a handful of customers and they're "looking into it" :roll eyes:

    On the phone to them again now for an update - anyone had this issue?

  • #2
    You should be happy that Betfair won't limit your winnings
    Betfair is not the answere, it's the question.
    ....and the answere is NO!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by catweazle View Post
      You should be happy that Betfair won't limit your winnings
      They do - the Premium Charge! I've asked for last week's PC to be reimbursed as compensation.

      With the weather and now this, Feb has been a complete write off!


      • #4
        just had an email off them as been trading the dogs tonight..

        One or more of your bets, placed on the market has been voided/lapsed by Betfair. Whilst these bets were all placed in good faith, in order to be fair to all users we have had to void/lapse them.

        Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing or calling our helpdesk on 0870 0110444 (+44 20 8834 8060 from outside the UK). You will find details of the voided bets in "My Account, Betting History".

        Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience, and we hope you continue to use and enjoy the site.

        Kind regards

        Voided/Lapsed Bets

        lovely..... so they had my £4 green back off me, not that i give a monkeys but i phoned up out of curiosity more than anything... the operator tells me its because bets were matched after teh race was started and it wouldnt be fair... i had 32 bets voided..... i didnt trade a second past post time.

        Cheers betfair.... you are truly aswome *sigh*
        Edges are ten-a-penny, execution is everything

        Read My FULL-TIME Racing Traders Blog Here!!
        T F YouTube


        • #5
          Same thing happened to me the last few day on the dogs seems to be a regular thing.


          • #6
            yeah, what a joke.... tonight i couldnt leave it so trading the US nags... (with ATR pictures) The delay between suspension and start is typically 5 seconds or so....... tonight im trading away and in the 21.15 it gets suspended early... no withdrawls nothing... didnt get re opened before the start.... stakes lost, whole companies a complete joke, no dobt they wont be emailing me tonight saying they cocked up again and decided to void all bets as its not fair...... pffft i give up.
            Edges are ten-a-penny, execution is everything

            Read My FULL-TIME Racing Traders Blog Here!!
            T F YouTube


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mets View Post
              They do - the Premium Charge! I've asked for last week's PC to be reimbursed as compensation.
              You've got more chance of Blagger doing a premium charge statement video.

              What's new in version 1.2


              • #8
                Originally posted by The Geek View Post
                You've got more chance of Blagger doing a premium charge statement video.
                Managed to get half of my PC refunded by Thursday evening - I had to make a big fuss though. Small victories and all that

