Well, i managed to get it working on my mac using paralells and windows 10...the response rate jumped around a fair bit...what kinda numbers should i be looking for?
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Betfair Trading Software on an Apple Mac OSX.
This is a sticky topic.
I have a mac book pro and have been a mac lover for years now but i just bit the bullet and as much as it hurt me invested in a dedicated pc machine running windows 10 I think its a good investment for those who are taking this seriously with the intent to go full-time, surely you need a rock solid platform to make money with and having to worry about parallel platforms and what not is the last thing you need on your mind. The toy runs nice and smooth with windows 10 I have not had any problems so far :-)
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fwiw I trade with a mac using remote desktop running The Toy on a Windows VPS.
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Can we expect updates for mac, since the recent news: https://github.com/dotnet/corefx ?
thanks in advance,
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Impossible to download Geekstoy(mac) at TPB. Is it possible to upload this file here?
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Does anyone have any idea why the keyboard shortcuts for the ladder wouldn’t work? I’m running Parallels 7 and Windows 7 on OS X 10.7 and can type things in stake boxes, profile names and so on. The arrow keys move the selected stake boxes, but when I try and use any of the keyboard shortcuts, such as X for cancelling all bets, nothing happens...
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Folder icon
I've drawn folder icons (at the various sizes) to represent my betting & trading activities. Here is a screenshot.
You may use my icons but I may not be held accountable or liable in any way. It's not my fault if you fail to use Time Machine or take other sensible precautions etcetera etc. To use the icons download 'Trading_compile.zip' and un-package it. Select the 'Trading_compile' file, press the Command key and also the letter 'i' key at the same time. On the info window which should now be displayed, click on the thumbnail shown on the top left of this window. Copy it by simultaneously pressing the Command key and the letter 'c' key.
Then, navigate to and select the folder you want to use the icons on, display its info window, select the icon showing a plain folder on the top left of the display window and Paste by using Command & 'v'.
This works in Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) but should also work in 10.7 (Tiger).
If you have an alias of your folder in your dock the icon will not show (this involves going too far 'under the hood' for me).
Here is the file:
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Running Windows 7 Pro in Virtual Box on my MBP i7. RAM set to 2GB for the VM, runs very nicely. W7 is a vanilla install I use solely for messing around trading
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after installing the VMware or parallels, has your Mac continued to perform well? the battery continues to perform well or with virtualization performance drops too much?
what about WinOnX?
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But what about "WinonX" app ? Does geeks toy or any other betfair trading software works in that app ?
Win on X can be found in mac app store
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