Yup...lot of lag, hard to open races...not reacting when try to lay off in running......race finished about 5 seconds before bot.............should add it seems ok now....probably the North Koreans messing with it LOL
No announcement yet.
Unstable API
beware today.
the page http://status.developer.betfair.com/ has been reporting performance issues for a while now
Driving me nuts. I started getting lad again BAD lag. By chance my friend came to visit so he logged on to betfair on my laptop 10 ft away from me on my PC
2.30 at Worcester Arthur's Gift 2.68 on the geeks toy 1.12 on Betfair exchange direct.
The previous race the prices in running were still coming through on the Toy nearly 30 seconds after the race finished.
Clearly it is the toy and not my internet connection as both my PC and my laptop are on the same connection