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  • Originally posted by DarkHorse View Post
    Yes, I am scalping horse racing markets pre race. Trading football sounds interesting, I will check it out after I am comfortable with the horses.

    Do you trade horses pre race? What return would you consider reasonable from £2 stakes?

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Yes I do but statistically returns much better on football strategy suggested. Providing no goals time erosion makes you profit rather than market moves due to weight of money. I reckon you would build bank more and with less volatility and more consistency using footy. I suppose if you can make 5-10% of your stake scalping then that is a "good" return but using £2 is a lot of effort/risk for minimal return if that makes sense.


    • Originally posted by ingers View Post
      Yes I do but statistically returns much better on football strategy suggested. Providing no goals time erosion makes you profit rather than market moves due to weight of money. I reckon you would build bank more and with less volatility and more consistency using footy. I suppose if you can make 5-10% of your stake scalping then that is a "good" return but using £2 is a lot of effort/risk for minimal return if that makes sense.
      Look at today's stats. Hull v Stoke. Last 3 games 2 goal max scored in a game. Tott v QPR 3 max in a game over last 3.

      Hull v Stoke a good bet that U3.5 goals for example. I will buy at £50 as watching game and will take liability off the table, possibly in £5 increments depending what game looks like. If an early goal goes in I will back U 4.5 as a hedge coz the chances of 5 goals given pasts 3 games is very very low. Also might do a bit of scalping as well during game. For me you are lower risk than horses with higher returns also.


      • 21 Mins gone in Hull game, you could trade out now at 6% profit due to time decay relatively risk free.


        • I will keep the 5-10% figure in mind going forward. My thoughts are that if I can keep my "losses" in the same range, with an edge I should be profitable in the long run. I will increase my stakes along side my confidence.

          In terms of effort, with every improvement my biggest challenge seems to be dealing with boredom. On Saturday, everything seemed to be going by "effortlessly" with increasing boredom as time went on, until the second to last race when I couldn't take the boredom any longer. I had a "f*ck it" moment and scalped for more ticks than usual, it paid off without incident, but I can see these moments being an issue going forward. Time will tell...

          Hopefully I will develop the confidence to go for more ticks without having a "f*ck it" moment. evil


          • Every "JOB" has it's boring times, can think of worse things to get bored with:Thumbs

            Hull trade came in :Thumbs


            • Hi everyone, my name is Paulo, and i'm new here. I'm from Portugal.

              I hope to learn a lot with everyone and share my knowledge with all too.

              Does anybody have any contact that we could use to reach the owners of geeks toy. I've been trying to reach them by the site contact but still haven't got any answer.

              Thank you


              • Hello From A Newbie

                Hello All,

                Just joined yesterday. Wow, there is so much to take in.

                I've watched a lot of the videos about finding your way around the menus etc. I've also watched some of the YouTube videos from the link in this forum such as "Pro Ladder Explained", parts 1 to 3.

                Should these videos be watched in any sequence as the other video links down the right hand side of the YouTube seem fairly random?

                I use Betfair mainly for straightforward back and lay bets with the odd inplay tennis bet (quite nervy at times!!).

                With this software offering the opportunities to benefit from movements in trade prices am I right in saying that you can monitor movements on a variety of events before the event started and effectively profit from those movements.

                To use a real life example, there was a horse I was looking at in the morning yesterday with lay odds of 22.0. Later in the day it came into 11.0. Can the software be set up to place a lay bet at 22.0 and then be set to trigger an automatic bet when and if the odds move in your favour (or place a stop loss bet if they move against you). Or is it a case of watching the movements and placing new trades manually?

                Hope that makes sense. I'm a bit new to all this but learning fast (ish!). Apologies if that type of scenario mentioned above is covered in the videos but I haven't come across it yet.

                Best of luck everyone with your trading exploits.


                • Yes you can you need to make sure that you keep the bet when it goes in play or it will cancel if not taken before the "off" . You do this by right clicking on the bet and hitting keep in play.


                  • Drunken trader

                    Had a lot to drink. This is my first post on this forum, even tho i've been reading it for around 2 and a half years since I discovered the Toy. As great as the software is, it just sucks that I can't get a grip of trading. I love to trade and want to succeed so badly it hurts. Who doesn't want money right? what degree, or level of money is up to the individual.

                    I'd be happy just to get by and have a wage doing this, even if it was below national average. It's hard to get a normal job, but this ain't normal for sure. Does anyone here suffer from trading envy? When you try so hard, and it doesn't come to you no matter how hard you try, but you see ppl posting their profits?. I read only 5 to 10% profit long term on betfair. I'm not sure if that's true, but it makes sense to me that it would be.

                    How do you trade pre-race? Each time i make and entry to the market, the damn thing goes against me. I mean it's crazy, almost each time, and i'm not entering at the bottom to back or lay at the top. Someone watching me or what?. It feels like it

                    Right now was watching Mikey B trading, and i don't even see any market depth on that software he's using. I think some ppl just have a gift for this. They can see and pick up on what's happening that others can't.

                    I started with a £70 bank and seems i can only trade in running jump season. My bank is now over 4.5k, something i'm very proud of in some ways, but also frustrated. It's taken me 2 years to reach that. And I can't seem to trade pre-race. Chuck.......i take my hat off to you. As for this guy posting up profits of over 100 quid daily on a market that jumps on it's head and is so lacking does he do it?

                    Good night and good luck traders


                    • Drunken trader

                      Sorry.....I mean that guy who trades greyhounds


                      • HI,

                        Just a quick hello to all on this forum.

                        I'm Keith and hail from sunny? Doncaster.

                        Read a bit of ithe forum so far and there seem to be some very knowledgeable folks here so looking forward to learning this "art" and maybe even making some spare cash.

                        Just purchased the Geeks Toy, after playing with it for a few looks excellent and after trying out several of the opposition toys this is the one for me.

                        Will probably be posting lots of stupid questions, so bear with me!

                        Cheers for now then, and good to be here.


                        • Hi

                          Been a lurker on the forum for a while and after reading some of the comments thought i would join in. Total newbie to trading, so am looking to learn.


                          • Hi all,

                            Newish to trading, reading lots and watching videos and starting off small on the markets.

                            Any advice, tips or help would be received gratefully.


                            • Hello everybody,
                              been learning to trade for about a month now and have signed up with you guys for the next 3 months. Trying to learn as much as i can and trying to stay as humble and disciplined as i can too. Hoping to watch and learn a great deal. Trading is something I want to get good at and am wanting to do it for a long time to come.


                              • Arighty then

