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  • Loiner
    Hi my names Steve and I'm a newbie to Geek Toys. I have downloaded the app and I'm trying to figure it out in practice mod but I think I will need a lot of practise (I'm old). I've been match betting for around 6 months on and off but this is totally different and a lot more addictive. Expect plenty of stupid question.

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  • MKGhandi
    I am Ghandi. from London UK. I am currently working as a digital expert. My interest are in tech, travel, and Fitness. I am new to the online betting stuff, my friends urged me not go get involved in the world but still i am here. Lets see what happen ..

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  • oobajig
    Hi everyone, I'm from Perth, Australia. Started looking at the idea of sports trading from some articles by Caan Berry I stumbled across. Very little betting experience really, used to have the occasional bet down at the pub but nothing more.

    My focus at the moment is trying to get proficient at the scalping/hedging combo, if that's the right terminology. Profiting from the 1-2 pip spreads, then hedging it across all runners. Relatively low risk and low gains to match, but that doesn't phase me, if I can see it works I'll increase the size of the stakes to make it worthwhile.

    My experience is a bit confused - I actually didn't realise during my trial of Geeks Toy that I had delayed/limited data from BetFair (the API section was yellow rather than white). I had some good results initially, during a week day I didn't do that well, only stumbled across 3 situations where the Lay/Back were overlapping (not at the same time, but moving back and forth quickly), but on a Sat night I did unbelievably, too-good-to-be-true well (in training mode). Now of course I look back and realise the data was delayed. Since then I've corrected that issue, and since then I've rechecked on Sunday and found nothing good, none of the same frequent Bet/Lay overlapping for easy profit, then the trial ended (after only 4 days... odd). I'm thinking that come Saturday, I will probably subscribe just so I can see what sort of action there is on Saturday night. Even if it's just a small portion of what I saw last Saturday with the delayed data, it'll be worth it. So we'll see... Sadly, I don't have my hopes up.

    If anyone has any comments about how similar the delayed data is to the live data, I'd appreciate that. Apart from the data being delayed, is anything else different? Am I seeing the opportunities because it's delayed data? Perhaps the data I see doesn't reflect that others snapped up those opportunities immediately? If anyone has a solid answer it'll help me decide whether or not to subscribe for a month and retry, but if not I'll probably do it to confirm for myself.

    I'll either see that my strategy works with live data and get stuck into it every Saturday at least, or if it doesn't work with live data as I'm expecting I'll just need to read up on more lower risk strategies, practice and learn, and subscribe a bit later on. We'll see how it goes!

    Thanks in advance for any insight into my current predicament.

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  • leosport
    Hello everyone I'm from BRAZIL I've been in Geeks Toy for about a year and a half I came to the forum to ask questions and be friends with other traders

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  • Swimming99
    Hi guys
    I am from the Midlands, and done a bit of mb.

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  • e-talking
    Hello to all involved on the forum.
    I ended up here as I have an interest in learning about trading and its benefits although as far as I have read so far its not going to be an easy skill to master.
    I come from a horse betting background and have also dabbled in a bit of shared ownership.
    The next few days I guess I'll be reading over the newbie posts and trying to understand the basics.

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  • Jackbets
    Hi guys, I've been doing a little trading over the past few years but with little or no success.
    A friend of mine recently pit me on to a tipster called Mark Hatcher. Does anyone on here have experience of dealing with him.


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  • ingers
    Good luck, plenty on the forum who will help if you have questions.



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  • Riico
    Hi guys,

    Newbie from Ireland here. Have had an interest for a number of years in sports trading and finally started researching about one week ago. Been 'fiddling' around with the trial whilst watching tutorials so i'm still getting used to the lay out and the purpose of certain buttons (selections). Will be starting a thread on another part of the forum shortly. On there, I'l be posting questions and running through what I think I'm doing wrong or right, I believe by posting a blog, it will not only help myself but other complete newbies to the trading spectrum
    I believe this journey will be very long, I intend to take it at a slow pace and learn as much as I can before I intend to throw real money in the BF bullring. Cheers guys, I look forward to becoming a part of the well-established community you have here.

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  • Tatties
    Hi Guys..ive been trading horses off and on for about a year but just recently bought the geeks toy after using a more expensive piece of software and didnt really want to pay another £ from a matched betting background and also make a wee bit off of eachway arbs.........i bought Caan Berrys video pack and have learned loads from it but still havent found an edge big enough to make constant profit from............Anyway hopefully i can learn a lot more from the forum....cheers

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  • Cantesind
    Hi all and greeting from UK!

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  • Shangai
    Afternoon. Similar story to most, but think this trading malarky can be a nice hobby for a few years as i really have no interest in TV, other than sport! So i'm starting with £2 stakes and have had a crack at horses for the first few days of the GT trial. At the minuet im happy to trade about 15mins out when not much is happening, then relax with 20p profit!

    All learning, though i must confess then thought of the premier league season starting interests me but i'm not sure where to start on football trading!

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  • leonflood
    Hey everyone,

    I am new to the forum, looking for a place to be able to chat about trading. I've been using Betfair since January this year for the sole purpose of matched betting, but inevitably that slowly evolved into trading. Since April I started looking at trading solely on the exchange and the opportunity which seemed a simple way to financial freedom. After busting a few times, I invested in Caan's training material and have read many books which has slowly started to have an impact on my trading style.

    I come to the forum as a place for me to chat to fellow minded people about trading, friends and family don't quite understand what it is I'm trying to achieve and their opinions are not the type of encouragement I need lol.

    I have recently become a Dad and family life is fantastic but its bloody expensive having a little one. So finding some extra cash to be had is definitely high up on my to-do list.


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  • D-Angle
    Hello everyone

    I have had a long time interest in Betfair trading, which more often than not has meant "I have had a long time interest in giving my money to other people"! Hoping to change that by sitting down and learning as much as I can, I have started with Caan's excellent pre-race trading guide which has helped me slowly get on the right path, still learning to read the markets and identify edges that I can exploit. Learning to get out when it's going wrong is probably the best bit of progress I have made so far. I'm also finding myself drawn to football trading and am hoping to learn a bit more about that.

    I really like the GT interface, though I really need to spend some time reading the manual; between all of the reading, videos and spending time on the simulator, I have been suffering some eye strain so having to take it slow! One thing I had to change was the audio alerts for something more logical, so I made some new audio files which I'm happy to share if anyone wants them:

    Hoping to be able to give the odd bit of advice as well as ask for it, eventually. Thanks for having me.


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  • Pantaleon
    Hi Mickyrobbo, good to know that you have Horse Racing market as a target.

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