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Cant green up..?

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  • Cant green up..?

    Hi all!
    I was playing ltd on some football matches yesterday, and I noticed that the last 10-15 minutes I coudnt green up anymore..? Luckily the matches ended 2-0 and 1-0, but is this supposed to happen..? When it was 10-15minutes left they I jsut got red numbers for some reason and couldnt do anything. Kinda paniced and thought I had lost it all, but when the trade closed I could see on my bankroll that I recieved some nice profit from both of them..
    Am I doing somehting wrong? When I last played ltd during the summer, this never happened as far as I can rememeber...

  • #2
    Please remember that other people are trying to win money and they do not always give you the odds that you want.


    • #3
      Originally posted by custard View Post
      Please remember that other people are trying to win money and they do not always give you the odds that you want.
      I understand, but I would guess it would go the other way..? Not giving red numbers when its 2-0 and 10minutes left..?
      Edit: maybe the whole game has changed the last months... Last time I traded LTD the last 10minutes the green numbers would rocket up, specially the last 5...


      • #4
        "Laying the draw" is a strategy which is very, very old. The markets,and those who play the match odds, have evolved over the years and are efficient. This reduces the chances of making big money and, of course, games like the QPR v Man City can result in big profits for those who work against you. Everybody else is working against you.


        • #5
          Originally posted by custard View Post
          "Laying the draw" is a strategy which is very, very old. The markets,and those who play the match odds, have evolved over the years and are efficient. This reduces the chances of making big money and, of course, games like the QPR v Man City can result in big profits for those who work against you. Everybody else is working against you.
          I fully understand, and I truly do appriciate you taking your time to answer me. But I'm afraid I haven't been able to express myself correctly. I think what I'm trying to ask is if there has been a change over at betfair' involving not being able to trade out of a lay/back draw game the last 10-15minutes..? Like, if there is a timelimit now...? Cause I truly couldnt do anything, and I mean..I dont see how other traders could make the odds in a 2-0 game which I layed the draw give me 100% red numbers the last 5minutes..?? I just dont get it... 100% red, even when the match was suspended, red numbers...then 10min after I got my full profit.


          • #6
            If the result of a football match seems beyond doubt it is quite normal to see situations where odds are not available for trading. This is not because of Betfair but because other traders/bettors have given up.So, not unusual for the last five minutes to go "dead".


            • #7
              Originally posted by custard View Post
              If the result of a football match seems beyond doubt it is quite normal to see situations where odds are not available for trading. This is not because of Betfair but because other traders/bettors have given up.So, not unusual for the last five minutes to go "dead".
              Ah ok, makes perfect sense. Thank you!


              • #8

                Were you using training mode when this happened?



                What's new in version 1.2


                • #9
                  Originally posted by The Geek View Post

                  Were you using training mode when this happened?




                  • #10
                    It's hard to tell after the fact what the cause would be. It may be Betfair were rejecting your bets for some reason. If it happens again try and give us as much detail as possible including a screen capture of the market.


                    What's new in version 1.2


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by custard View Post
                      Please remember that other people are trying to win money and they do not always give you the odds that you want.
                      Calm down dear, these are stressful times for all of us.

                      What's new in version 1.2


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by The Geek View Post
                        It's hard to tell after the fact what the cause would be. It may be Betfair were rejecting your bets for some reason. If it happens again try and give us as much detail as possible including a screen capture of the market.

                        Will do! Thx for support!


                        • #13
                          Were the odds @ 1000, i.e., a queue to get matched?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by The Geek View Post
                            Calm down dear, these are stressful times for all of us.
                            This is "real stress".

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_0074.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	95.7 KB
ID:	206288

                            One more bend and we would have been dead

