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Who's A Clever Boy Then!!

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  • Boo
    Originally posted by Anonymous View Post
    Totally different people - Mike Baker is the only one of the bigger traders to actually do a video bar Adam Todd. Mike has a lot of credit as he is the only one in recent times to have done so - and to a determined time and date.

    He doesn't just post the P&L's or worse still like a certain person just a screen shot of Betfair showing a profit on a race but not the actual bets.

    Mike is 100% genuine!

    Good post.

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  • Knight Rider
    ...........not forgetting......

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  • doubleback
    I don't know what is going on with all the Bakers lateley,

    first we had Jibiko's Ma Baker, then today i was listening to the Michael Baker Interview on Juicestorm, then who should turn up on this forum the very same day?

    Michael Baker!,

    then to top it of, is it Michael or Mark Baker?!!, what the funk is going on??!!!

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  • Anonymous
    Totally different people - Mike Baker is the only one of the bigger traders to actually do a video bar Adam Todd. Mike has a lot of credit as he is the only one in recent times to have done so - and to a determined time and date.

    He doesn't just post the P&L's or worse still like a certain person just a screen shot of Betfair showing a profit on a race but not the actual bets.

    Mike is 100% genuine!

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  • doubleback
    Originally posted by rockaren View Post
    You sure ?

    Your YouTube movie title is "Bet Trader - Mike Baker Pro Trader"

    What odds "Mike Baker Pro Trader" and Mark Baker developer of BetBotPRO are brothers, father&son, or any other relationship ?
    Deffo, not the same or related, listen to the Michael Baker Interview (44:01), not related or the same person!!!

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  • rockaren
    Originally posted by doubleback View Post
    Two different people.

    Mark Baker developed BetBotPRO
    You sure ?

    Your YouTube movie title is "Bet Trader - Mike Baker Pro Trader"

    What odds "Mike Baker Pro Trader" and Mark Baker developer of BetBotPRO are brothers, father&son, or any other relationship ?

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  • doubleback
    Originally posted by rockaren View Post
    Does it mean mikeyB is Mark Baker ? Same as the guy selling BetBotPRO ?
    Two different people.

    Mark Baker developed BetBotPRO
    Last edited by doubleback; 17 January 2010, 08:36 PM.

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  • rockaren
    Does it mean mikeyB is Mark Baker ? Same as the guy selling BetBotPRO ?

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  • Crazeewon
    Is this the MikeyB you were looking for?

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  • Emkayracing
    Originally posted by nigelbleddfa View Post
    They were all paying £ 30 per day for the use of the computers and fast pictures and all made money. I would have joined them but my mother was ill, and I had to look after her, and my other family commitments to my wife and daughter prevented it.
    Seeing horses fall fully five seconds before the majority of traders gives an incredible advantage. They were all making money and would have been very stupid if they were not. John Lovell died about 6 weeks after I met him for the last time. I cannot say what is happening now.
    Which begs the question how does Mr Wong still manage to do his brains, does it not ??

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  • nigelbleddfa
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Emkayracing View Post
    My comments were directed at their 'Come to us and make shedloads of money' blurb, it is nothing personal towards the Lovells.

    Sure, a few people may have made 'Life changing sums' and on the other hand there will be a fair few who have done their cobblers in the same premises - it's the nature of the beast.
    They were all paying £ 30 per day for the use of the computers and fast pictures and all made money. I would have joined them but my mother was ill, and I had to look after her, and my other family commitments to my wife and daughter prevented it.

    Seeing horses fall fully five seconds before the majority of traders gives an incredible advantage. They were all making money and would have been very stupid if they were not. John Lovell died about 6 weeks after I met him for the last time. I cannot say what is happening now.

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  • Emkayracing
    Originally posted by nigelbleddfa View Post
    The guys who use his shop are not particularly brilliant traders ... I have seen them making money with my own eyes and I know it to be true.
    There are scheisters about but the Lovell family are not like this. They are what we, in Wales, call "sound".
    My comments were directed at their 'Come to us and make shedloads of money' blurb, it is nothing personal towards the Lovells.

    Sure, a few people may have made 'Life changing sums' and on the other hand there will be a fair few who have done their cobblers in the same premises - it's the nature of the beast.

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  • nigelbleddfa
    Guest replied
    Sorry to answer my own post but those who have read mine above may also wish to see this, just found it.

    Get the latest local Wales news updates covering North Wales, West Wales, Mid Wales, South Wales, Cardiff, Swansea and Newport from WalesOnline

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  • nigelbleddfa
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Emkayracing View Post

    It's another carrot for the donkey newbies. The John Lovell shop in Cardiff boasts "Many of the offices' punters have used the facilities to huge levels of success and in the process earn life changing sums" - newbies put 2 & 2 together and come up with dollar signs, as is often the case.

    The jury's out for me on this.
    I knew John Lovell and he was a very nice man. I met him last only a few weeks before he was killed in a road accident through no fault of his own. My first meeting with him was over thirty years before.I met his son James who runs the shop. He is a "chip off the old block", very polite, friendly and genuinely helpful.
    The guys who use his shop are not particularly brilliant traders but they have access to quick pictures of horse racing through the SIS system which is part of the normal bookmaking business. I have seen them making money with my own eyes and I know it to be true.
    There are scheisters about but the Lovell family are not like this. They are what we, in Wales, call "sound".

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  • Emkayracing
    Someone referred to Mr 'Wot Went' Wong's blog over at ST some months ago - it went quiet for several months indicating that he had blown (Yet another) bank. Seems he is back in the race for now but judged on previous form he will disappear again shortly.

    Someone will surely be able to provide the correct facts and figures but as the analogue era gets fazed out we will be left with 3-6 sec delays at home. I have an analogue connection to my TV which is still working at the moment - turn Sky on and press AV to test but I would guess that the delay is around 3/4 secs.

    As trading rooms / offices grow there is almost a 'Second' community of in-running traders who are in it to make money off of one another before the rest of us get chance to join in!

    It's another carrot for the donkey newbies. The John Lovell shop in Cardiff boasts "Many of the offices' punters have used the facilities to huge levels of success and in the process earn life changing sums" - newbies put 2 & 2 together and come up with dollar signs, as is often the case.

    The jury's out for me on this.

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